How to learn A new programming language ??

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So, you have learnt your first programing language / started learning a new language and go through someone's profile who have experience in multiple languages . You wondered how they did it , again and again going through the turmoil to learn a new language to build services . Well , the thing is that it is quite easy to learn a new language if you have a knowledge in basic programming concepts , after that most of them are just the game of syntax . So, let us have a tour on the concepts here.

  1. Is it a scripting language ?

So, when you're choosing a second language , it is needed to understand if it's a scripting language or not . Coming from a scripting language to a non scripting language , it might be a overhead for you to understand all the syntax and concept a once . The python vs java debate is a great example here. In python which is a scripting language we can write

print("Hello world")

and it will print hello world . But in java, a non scripting language we have to write

class HelloWorld{
public static void main(String[] args){
      System.out.println("Hello world");

The sole reason for the complexity in java is that as a non script and compiled language it can not compile the System.out.println("Hello world"); alone whereas though python support classes, functions and access modifiers , as a scripting language and interpreted language it doesn't surely needed any of it to run a single independent line.


Variables are an important part of any programming language, understanding them helps a lot . So, first you have to know how variables are declared in he language . There is three type of languages according to the variable type declarations

  • Statically typed : Here we declare the variable type in the code . java , c# , c++ is examples of this type of langauges . example
    int a= 67; 
    String m = "I am string";
  • Dynamically typed : Here the language infer the type of the variable from there use . python , php ,lua is examples of this type of languages . example
    $a= 67; // php will take a as integer 
    $m = "I am string" ;
  • The middle man : Here we have the option to choose i we want to declare types or infer from usage . golang is an example of this type of language . example

    a:= 67 // go will infer a as integer and variable
    var m string = "I am string"  // we wrote m as a variable and type string in go

    many languages (javascript , golang etc) needs you to specify if this is a constant or not while declaring the variables .

  • Conditional statements Conditional statements are pretty easy , most of them are always like

     Do Something
    else if (another condition) // some lang use elif here
      Do Something
       Do Something

    Some languages like C++/Javascript also let you do the checking with ? and : operators

    a = (condition) ? satisfied_value : not_satisfied_value;
  • Blocks We generally declare blocks in 3 ways . Many times this 3 overlap with each other

  • Braces based - This generally mostly used , here we use { } braces to declare which is inside a function/loop/if else. Languages like C++ ,Java , Javascript use it.

     //Statements to run if the condition is true
    //Statements don't depend on previous if
  • Indentation based - Here we use Indentations(tab or four spaces) to declare which is inside a function/loop/if else. python uses it. ``` if(a>5): //Statements to run if the condition is true (4 spaced)

//Statements don't depend on previous if

- Terminating word based - We use another keyword to terminate the  function/loop/if else. Languages like Bash  use it.

if(a>5) then //Statements to run if the condition is true fi //Statements don't depend on previous if ``` 5.Loops Loops are one of the most useful tool in programming . So, it is best to understand how many types of loops, the language can offer and ow we can use them . loops , loops through the block statement until the condition is satisfied. If you want to learn more please go here

  1. Model of the programming language Next thing you have to take note of , is it a OOPS , functional or Procedural language. Now , jumping from functional to OOPs or vice versa will be a lot more to add to your to do learning list . Learning about the implementation methods in various models (currying for functional or abstraction for oops etc.) will give a upper hand and better understanding of the language.

7.Built-in Data Structures : Built in , popular data structures of that language can save you many more hustle of implementing a complex project on the language. So, if you have time always go through the DS , the language has to offer.

8.Package Management. Let's be real , you are not going to build all the tool you need , you are going to work with libraries or frameworks. So, it is required to understand the package management tools , ecosystem and importing or exporting the packages in the language.

The much more experience have the less time , you might spend with this 8 concepts of any languages , and the less time you spend here , the more It will be clear , that languages are just a tool to build the apps. The most important things are the business logics , and the person building and implementing the logics to the software . So, please be kind to yourself , everything takes their own time .

Thank You.